Monday, March 9, 2009

Jason Mraz

Guys, i love Jason Mraz soo much!!! A little disappointed for myself that i cannot watched my beloved Jason in Java Jazz 2009 on Friday, 6th March 2009. Damn it!
Here's the picture which i took from other blogger Diana Rika Sari.
I asked Diana what songs did Jason sing? She replied my question: Make It Mine, Butterfly, Bellaluna, You and I, Lucky, I'm Yours, and 3 other songs i forgot hehehe ;p.
Oh Gosh! Lucky and Butterfly songs. Really really fall in love with that song. I like Live High too but don't know he sing it or not.
For you guys who feel the same disappointment like me, just go to cd stored and buy Jason mraz Cd. Hahahaha. It's really good album and he's a great jazz singer and all the songs are A.W.E.S.O.M.E.


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