Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tired, Sleeping in the Class

Don't know why and since when i feel so tired in my class and tired of study. Just imagine, since last Monday it was the first time i reallt fell asleep in class in my sweet and comfortable chair. Lol.

Gw rasa gw kecapekan gara2 efek belajar pe malem wad ngejar UI and efek capeknya baru terasa akhir2 ini. I become sooo tired and easy to fall asleep in anywhere. Dan kl dirumah pun jam 8 atau 9an sekarang dah tidur. Gila!

1 Maret 2009 di SMA 48 di Jak-Tim test UI digelar dan gw yakin kl gw GK LULUS. LOL. Hanya keberuntungan yg bisa gw katakan buat sekarang ini kalo emang takdir gw mank di UI. Hahahaha.

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