(zara nude tee / cotton ink drawstring pants & acid purple fringe shawl / unbranded vintage bag / wimo shoes / random accessories)
bonjour blogger fellas !
finally i'm back again for doing this blogging thingy. i made up all of this new look for my blog.
and it's been like a decade i haven't post anything new since last May--well forgive me.
not gonna speak much. so here we go.
since Vheney is back to town, we (me, michelle, nora, and ayu) arranged some meet up to spared some awesome time with her.
so we had a gorgeous lunch at bibliothèque and took bunch of photos out there.

this photos are taken by Vheney's Canon 1000D.
thanks a bunch Vhen for all the gorgeous picture which u take.

nora and me wearing the same drawstring pants.
michelle called us tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum (:

(F21 owl ring-frog ring-chain ring / random bracelet /cotton ink acid fringe shawl)
then we continued to watch SATC 2 at Plaza Indonesia and met Piping.
she can't join us for lunch because of the goddamn traffic.
SATC 2 is great movie and very sparkling. make me wanna go to Abu Dhabi :p
so, anyway, Piping and i tried some walk climbing at Miniapolis at Plaza Indonesia Extension.
that walk climbing thingy is really GOOD. i mean it !

see ! how good am i climbing on the wall ? *LOL*

vheney, nora and i then end up the meet up at the by the Beach EX, Plaza Indonesia.
the place is comfy, warm, and cozy, and warm again. hahaha.
we should have some meet up again Fhen before u go back to singapore (:
"Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends."
~Richard Bach
bonjour blogger fellas !
finally i'm back again for doing this blogging thingy. i made up all of this new look for my blog.
and it's been like a decade i haven't post anything new since last May--well forgive me.
not gonna speak much. so here we go.
since Vheney is back to town, we (me, michelle, nora, and ayu) arranged some meet up to spared some awesome time with her.
so we had a gorgeous lunch at bibliothèque and took bunch of photos out there.
this photos are taken by Vheney's Canon 1000D.
thanks a bunch Vhen for all the gorgeous picture which u take.
nora and me wearing the same drawstring pants.
michelle called us tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum (:
(F21 owl ring-frog ring-chain ring / random bracelet /cotton ink acid fringe shawl)
then we continued to watch SATC 2 at Plaza Indonesia and met Piping.
she can't join us for lunch because of the goddamn traffic.
SATC 2 is great movie and very sparkling. make me wanna go to Abu Dhabi :p
so, anyway, Piping and i tried some walk climbing at Miniapolis at Plaza Indonesia Extension.
that walk climbing thingy is really GOOD. i mean it !
see ! how good am i climbing on the wall ? *LOL*
vheney, nora and i then end up the meet up at the by the Beach EX, Plaza Indonesia.
the place is comfy, warm, and cozy, and warm again. hahaha.
we should have some meet up again Fhen before u go back to singapore (:
"Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends."
~Richard Bach
aww this is such a sweet post ri!
love your outfit and accesories :)
especially the shoes!
Next time i should try the digi-wall climbing haaha
the photo that you used for the banner reminds me of Alice's teaparty lol
and the whole new layout look great
shall meet up again soon ;)
gosh i love the cottonink pants and the vintage bag! where did you buy the bag? i really want to find a bag like that, for college or somethin' :)
The Spoof .
lucu bgt bisa kembaran sama nora, and cute outfit loh tii,lama ga liat kamu di blog :)
long time no post ya kak! and i really glad that u r baack!
have a new post please feel free to comment
thank youu ci riatio for d comment
tgl 20 kyknya
kta atur d bbm aja yaa :)
iya, mango wedgesnya enak bgt d pake! :D
u back with the new layout, bagus rii..hehe
u look pretty, skrg pake softlens ya?? tambah cantik.. :)
i love ur bag
visit mine,
finally new post ti! :D
nice drawstring pants. bisa kembaran lgi loh sm nora :p
u and ur friends look lovely... i really love that frog ring... ~ do u noe where i can get one at!
itu drawstring pant nya dari cotton ink bukan? thanks :)
sooooo cute ;)
yay your posting again
nice bag...
wanna exchange link and follow me??
aku buka online shop di fb
menjual berbagai macam perhiasan, anting,kalung,gelang,cincin
visit, add as friend dan selamat berbelanja
NB: ayo belanja bulan ini dengan promo JUNI
-d'PLUSH Fac Tory-
itu g ga ada prom tau, cuman graduation doank! hahaha. sama aja nih sekolah kita -_-"
ohh pantesan bisa kembaran, kirain ga sengaja! hahaha.
thanks for the comment yah ti..ayo dong nge post2 lagih! :D
aww u guys look awesome :D
You always have the best outfits!
oh iya sampe lupa jawab juga, iyah sayang pasti deh nti farewell dulu yahh :')
each of you look so stylish ri ! i really wish i could join the lunch on that day. big sorry from me and cross my fingers we'll meet up again the next time i get back! loving what you wore on that day! very chic!
waw, congrats for the featured, the prom looks soo adorable! Last year my sch didn't held any prom, too bad i guess :(
<a href="http://huelicious.blogspot.com> new post-huelicious</a>
Ci ririaatiti kok jd jarang ngeblog ? Hihih . Ih aku gak diajak yah nih ngambek ah wwkwkwk . Mau dong scarf na hue mau cotton ink :( Jd pemanjat gunung aja ci :D
ahh i love your outfit ci :) great from head to toe. haha this is the first time i see you without glasses
the photo with you climbing the wall is so funny :)
check out my latest post ya
LOL! So cute you and nora were wearing the same pants <3
care to join my giveaway?
it's so simple
and i really like your blog!
let's exchange link :)
you're very awesome! i love your rings and shoes btw :D
you look pretty kak Riati..love your bag your shoes and your blog..
enjoy your day kak..
visit mine.
super love your outfit c riati!!!!
beneran sumpah the pants are adorably cool cool cool \m/
and those rings and shawl are just making my eyes couldn't wink!
great post btw!
aduh demen abis loh sama sepatu kau, dear! bagus banget. anyway, nice blog!!
love your bag !
hey come visit mine :)
hey dear, i was going to send you an email, but i didn't find yours here, so, let me just say it here :)
wanna join a blogger meet up?
pls do check my blog for more info
i hope you could join us, dear :)
dear, how i can contact you
buat ikutan styltopia.
hope you can contact me very soon.thank youu neng
nice post ti! kapan2 kita jalan bareng lagi yah.
miss you. =))
hugs and kisses,
very cute outfit, really love your bag, it's cute..
seems that u had spent a wonderful time with them.. :)
How sweet.. ;)
The Picnic Girl
what a cute photo shoot! the second pictures is so pretty!! i love your bracelets and that scarf. i just got a Persona bracelet but still haven't fallen in love with a new scarf this summer. Any suggestions??
kisses Brit!!
love the accessories! you look great and very stylish even climbing the wall lol
Vi from Cali
all so cute! come follow me http://www.fashioniceice.blogspot.com xoxo
I have just found all of your blogs through fhenny. You guys are just wonderful!! :)
looks so fun in there :)
love your outfits btw.
you guys' outfits are super (y) (y)
nice ring! i love it :)
awesome blog !!!
love it :))
like ure style :))
you look cute without glasses :D
just my opinion anw..
Nice shawl..
Amanda "Creamy" Apriani
Twitter : caramel_manda
nice pics :)
p.s shoes and muffins have been moved to breepluse.blogspot.com
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